
6 Common Reasons Your WiFi Keeps Dropping

John Ciarlone John Ciarlone
7 minute read


If you run a business of any size, you know how important it is to have a reliable WiFi connection. Even a brief drop in your WiFi connection can lead to lost productivity, not to mention the frustration it can cause. 

If your WiFi keeps dropping intermittently, it can cause serious issues. The inability to work seamlessly can hurt your bottom line and damage customer relationships. Fortunately, there are ways that you can solve this issue – as long as you know what's causing it. 

With that in mind, the following are six of the most common reasons why your WiFi keeps dropping:

1. Overloaded WiFi Network

When your WiFi network is overloaded with too many devices, the information can't be processed fast enough. This means that even if you have a strong signal, it might not be able to send data between connected devices quickly enough. This can lead to dropped connections and slower speeds. However, there are a few ways that you can mitigate this problem:

  • Increase your bandwidth: If you're running a business, it might be worth investing in faster internet speeds to ensure your WiFi can handle the amount of traffic. 
  • Prioritize certain devices or applications: You can prioritize specific devices or applications over others to ensure they get more bandwidth when needed. This ensures that even if your network is overloaded, the most important devices will still have access to the necessary speed.
  • Limit access: If unauthorized devices are connecting to your WiFi, it can put extra strain on the network and cause dropped connections. Make sure you have a secure password and limit access to employees only.

2. Outdated Network Infrastructure

If you're using outdated networking equipment, it might not be able to keep up with current standards. This can lead to dropped connections and slow speeds. Make sure that all of your networking equipment is up to date. If not, consider investing in newer, more efficient hardware. With that in mind, the following are the two most current networking standards that you should consider using:

802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6)

802.11ax is the newest WiFi standard, offering faster speeds and better reliability than previous generations. This is ideal for businesses that require high throughput. 

In addition, 802.11ax wireless access points  let you use the 6 GHz frequency band, so you can get better performance in crowded areas. Only the newest networking equipment can take advantage of this frequency band, which means it's less likely to experience congestion from nearby networks.

802.11ac (Wi-Fi 5)

Before the introduction of 802.11ax, there was 802.11ac – and it is still an excellent option for businesses that don't require the higher speeds of WiFi 6. Because this standard offers great range, 802.11ac access points are ideal for large offices or businesses spanning multiple floors. 

It also supports multiple streams, allowing you to send data to more devices simultaneously without sacrificing speed. 

In addition, with 802.11ac, you can take advantage of the 5 GHz frequency band, which is less congested than the 2.4 GHz band and can offer better performance in crowded areas.

3. WiFi Is Getting Radio Interference

Radio waves from electronic devices can interfere with your WiFi signal, causing dropped connections and slow speeds. This is especially true if you have a lot of devices nearby that are constantly running that use radio waves, such as other WiFi networks nearby devices. To reduce interference, make sure to properly set up, test, and tune your WiFi access points (APs).

4. Cables Are Faulty

If your WiFi connection is constantly dropping, it could be due to faulty cables. This is because the signal can't travel properly through damaged or loose cables. Check all your APs' cables and replace any that look damaged.

You should also ensure your cables are correctly secured so they don't become loose, as any movement can cause problems with the connection.

Ethernet Cable 

Ethernet cables are the most reliable option for connecting devices to your network. They are very durable and provide a stable connection, so they are ideal for businesses that need to transfer large amounts of data. 0=-9

Your connection should remain stable as long as you ensure they fit securely in place. Although you should check for any damage or loose connections if you are experiencing regular drops in your connection – it's worth noting that problems with Ethernet cables are rare.

5. Outdated Software Or Firmware

Outdated software and firmware can be a significant cause of connection issues. If you're using an older version of the operating system, it may not be compatible with your APs or other networking hardware. 

Similarly, older firmware versions could have bugs and security vulnerabilities that could cause issues with your connection. To ensure that everything is up to date, you should regularly check for and install any available updates for both your software and firmware.

6. Problem With The Internet Service Provider

In some cases, the issue may be on your Internet Service Provider's (ISP) end. For example, if you experience intermittent drops in your connection or slow speeds, it could be due to your ISP's network being overloaded or having some other technical issue. 

To find out if this is the case, you should contact your ISP and ask them to investigate. They should be able to provide you with more information about the cause of the issue and help you resolve it.

Quick Fixes If Your Internet Keeps Dropping

Knowing what the potential issues might be, the following are a couple of quick fixes to try if your Internet keeps dropping:

Check The Cables

Inspecting your cables is probably the easiest fix you can do. Check your Ethernet and power cables to ensure they're firmly plugged in and not damaged. If they're damaged, replace them. If they're loose, make sure to secure them tightly. 

Move Devices Closer To Your Wireless Access Points

If your APs are out of range of your devices, move them closer to each other. Every AP has a range stated in its specifications, so check this before moving them around. Additionally, don't move them too close together, as this can cause interference. Finally, mount your APs in an open area with as few walls and other obstructions as possible.

Update Your Network Software And Firmware

You can update your network's software and firmware with ease if you have a cloud-based management system. Otherwise, you can download the necessary updates from your manufacturer's website and install them manually. Once you update your network software and firmware, reboot your APs and other networking appliances to ensure the changes take effect.

Adjust Your Network Infrastructure Settings

If your network has been operating for an extended period of time, its settings may no longer be optimized for the current environment. 

Adjust your network infrastructure settings to ensure it is running optimally. This may involve changing the channel width, power settings, or even security settings. 

Consult a professional network technician to ensure your adjustments are made correctly and securely.

Contact The Support Team Of Your Internet Service Provider or WiFi Manufacturer

If you've tried all the above solutions and your connection is still unreliable, it's best to contact the support team of your ISP or WiFi manufacturer. They will be able to provide you with more information and, in some cases, technical support to help you resolve your issue.

Get To The Root Cause To Prevent Your WiFi Connection From Dropping

Regularly experiencing drops in your WiFi connection can severely limit your organization's ability to remain productive and efficient. To ensure your network remains stable, it is important to get to the root cause of why your connection is dropping in the first place. 


By using these quick fixes, you can troubleshoot and diagnose many of the more common issues. Of course, sometimes, it's best to turn to a professional to help you identify the problem and provide the technical support you need.

At Hummingbird Networks, we specialize in providing comprehensive network solutions to help you get the most out of your wireless network. Our team of experts can help you troubleshoot network issues and analyze your WiFi performance, allowing you to get the fast and reliable connection you need.

Having problems configuring and installing your equipment? Let us help you with your network!

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