
Endpoint Protection Best Practices to Block Ransomware

Max Rotter
1 minute read


In a recent survey of 5,000 IT Managers across 26 countries, 51% of respondents revealed that they were hit by ransomware in the last year. In 73% of those incidents, attackers succeeded in encrypting data. Furthermore, the average global cost to remediate these attacks was an eye-watering $761,106. Maximize the effectiveness of your anti-ransomware defenses with these seven endpoint protection best practices.sept resource guide banners

One of the most effective methods to protect against ransomware attacks is with a properly configured endpoint protection solution. This guide will cover: how ransomware attacks work, the seven endpoint-protection best practices all organizations should deploy, and top security tips to help keep ransomware at bay.

We will discuss how ransomware attacks work, how they can be stopped, and best practices for configuring your endpoint solution for the strongest protection possible.

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