
Fortinet Small Business Solutions

Max Rotter
1 minute read


As users interact with data in new ways across multiple devices and cloud-based applications, businesses can quickly become exposed to attacks and theft if left unprotected. Ensure users are performing their best while keeping them safe by using industry leading technology - with Fortinet.

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Fortinet Small Business Solutions deliver a path to consolidate security into a handful of easy-to-manage solutions spanning network, cloud, and endpoint security that automatically share threat intelligence and scale as your business grows to protect against threats like ransomware.

When your technology effectively stops attacks and automatically communicates to reduce false alerts and maintenance, workloads drop and securing your business suddenly becomes much easier.

This presentation will cover: how to have seamless and secure connectivity, how to secure cloud applications and how to secure users and control costs. Read more to learn how Fortinet can accelerate your small business!

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