How Adtran ProCloud Analytics Can Turn Your Customer Info Into Profit
ADTRAN has added value to their BlueSocket product line with their new analytics system!
Previously, ProCloud was primarily used as a cloud-based management platform for ADTRAN's wireless access points- BlueSocket family of controller-less networking solutions. The existing packages allowed for single-pane-of-glass oversight of an entire BlueSocket network, with extensive diagnostics and configuration. The advanced systems allowed network experts at ADTRAN to oversee your network, and provide extensive technical support.
ADTRAN ProCloud Analytics takes this much further, in a product specifically aimed at businesses looking to integrate their in-house WiFi into their customer relations. You can get extensive data on your customers' behaviors, as well as new opportunities to interact with them while they're at your locations.
A First Look At ADTRAN ProCloud Analytics
So, how does ProCloud Analytics work? When your customer, patron, or client logs into your network, it can capture a wide range of information on them. This can vary depending on your preferences, as well as how much information their devices share, but it includes:
- Full device and hardware profiles
- Customer demographic information such as age and gender
- Geographic information like home town and recent stops
- Social media usage, including likes and interests
This is largely accomplished through customized portals which encourage them to log in via social media, including Facebook and Twitter. Once they do so, you have a wealth of information on your visitors.
The data gathered can be correlated through easy-to-use menu systems to create highly detailed profiles of your customers and their behavior. Over time, this can build into a robust and highly actionable database that brings plenty of insights into their needs.
What Can ADTRAN ProCloud Analytics Do For You?
It's not only about gathering data. It also includes a multitude of tools for interacting directly with your customers. You could:
- Immediately offer new customers a coupon the first time they log in.
- Prompt them for social media interactions, mentions, or online reviews.
- Generate specials geared towards the specific interests of people in the building at the moment.
- Direct them to your mobile application or other online elements.
- Set up promotional emails to be sent out.
- Send birthday greetings or promotions.
- Within multi-shop venues such as malls, individual retailers could even be allowed to create their own custom portals in the system.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Depending on the specific venue, a wide range of custom communications could be built. Hospitals could alert visitors when visiting hours are open for the loved one they're coming to see. Sports stadiums could send offers relating specifically to the teams playing - or just direct folks at halftime to the nearest/emptiest restrooms.
Additionally, the data gathered can be invaluable to your overall marketing efforts, by providing new insights into your customers via their social networks. It's a great way to discover shared interests, common demographic elements, and other key insights needed to reach consumers saturated with marketing messages.
ADTRAN Shakes Up Networking, Again
ADTRAN has been making a name for itself with its innovative products with a true focus on meeting the needs of businesses. No other networking brand has looked to integrate network software and marketing in this fashion, and ADTRAN Analytics makes for a powerful one-two punch.
This system would be an excellent investment for hospitality venues, educational facilities, healthcare, restaurants, and retail stores of all varieties. For a nominal fee that's as low as $20/mo, your network can become a full marketing tool.
Want to know more? Hummingbird Networks is a fully-certified ADTRAN partner. Contact us today with any questions, or for a free consultation on ADTRAN networking.